Annual Street Listing

Every January, the Town Clerk’s Office is required under Massachusetts General Law to mail the Annual Street Listing form to every household in Goshen.  Residents are urged to check the information contained on the form, make any necessary corrections, sign the form and return it to the Clerk’s Office as soon as possible.  Ignoring the first mailing leads to additional costs to taxpayers because the Town is required to print additional notices and pay postage.  If you or someone listed in your household has moved, please include a forwarding address.

Anyone who does not receive a census form or has moved to Goshen since January 1 can complete the form below and return it to the Town Clerk’s Office, 40 Main Street, Goshen, MA 01032.

The top 5 reasons to return your census form are because it is used in…

  • Assisting public safety and emergency responders
  • Calculating state and federal aid and representatives
  • Projecting future school enrollment and costs
  • Serving as proof of residency, which is needed for things like veterans’ benefits, in-state college tuition, and more
  • Maintaining the voter list


Inactive voters must fill out an affidavit when they appear to vote and are at risk of being deleted from the voter list if they remain inactive for several years.


Who should complete the street list form?

Any adult residing in the home can complete and sign the form.

Last year I indicated that someone moved out, so why are they are still on the form this year?

A registered voter who moves and does not register to vote in another community cannot be removed from our street list until they have not voted in two federal election cycles, unless they return a signed census with their new address. If we have no forwarding address, we have no way to get them to return a signed form. If you have a way of contacting the person who moved out, let them know they can return the form below with their old Goshen address, new address and signature.

Why is my family split between multiple pages or different addresses?

This can happen for a number of reasons including RMV paperwork or voter activity. Please return the forms together and indicate on them that the residents should all be listed on one page.

What do I need to do with the form?

  • Please look over the names listed on the form. If there are no changes to the pre-printed information, simply sign and return the form to the Town Clerk.
  • Add any new people who reside at your address, and indicate with “M” or “D” if someone has moved away or died (not married/divorced!). Students away at school, people who have moved to a nursing home or those away in the military are still considered residents of Goshen, and can remain on the form.
  • Check to see that the date of birth is correct for each person.
  • Please add or correct the occupations listed on the form.
  • The “Party” column tells you what each person’s voter registration status is. U stands for “unenrolled” which means not enrolled in any particular political party (commonly known as “independent”). No letter in the “Party” column means the person is not registered to vote in Goshen. If that person would like an application to become a registered voter, they may indicate that on the street listing.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office: 413-268-8236 x107,

We appreciate your assistance in gathering this information and keeping our residential records and voter list up-to-date!

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