There is now a Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project Page. Currently, this page has the following information:
- A link to the Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project donation page
- Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project documents
- Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project FAQs with info on the following items
- The mission of the Re-imagine Goshen Center project
- How this project will impact Goshen center
- What are the proposed changes
- What else will the newly enhanced town center offer
- How is the project being funded
- How do I volunteer to help with the Re-imagine Goshen Center project
- Contact email address for the project
Alternatively, you may navigate to the Open Space Committee page and click on the Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project sub menu.
As new information on the project becomes available the project page will be updated and Town New and Announcements on the Home Page will also indicate updates.
For a complete list of current project updates click on Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project postings in Town News & Announcements.