Category: Open Space Committee
The Select Board will meet on Monday, July 29, at 6:00 pm in the Town Hall to review costs and planning details with the Open Space Committee for the Re-imagine Goshen Project. This project concerns plans for improvements in the Town center in the former tennis court area and Memorial Park. The Open Space Committee … Continued
For a complete list of current project updates click on Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project postings in Town News & Announcements.
There is now a Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project Page. Currently, this page has the following information: A link to the Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project donation page Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project documents Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project FAQs with info on the following items The mission of the Re-imagine Goshen Center project How this project will impact … Continued
To make a donation by check or credit card go to the Re-Imagine Goshen project donation page, fill out the form and select add to cart. Alternatively, you may navigate to the Open Space Committee page and click on the Re-Imagine Goshen Center sub menu.
QUILT RAFFLE DRAWING WINNER On December 11, 2023 a group of Goshen residents gathered in the town office for the quilt raffle drawing. The full/queen size quilt with a log cabin pattern, was pieced and donated by Lorraine Brisson, and professionally quilted by Sue’s Quilt Studio, Chester, VT. With much anticipation, the winning ticket was … Continued
The Open Space Committee has completed their work on the Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project Plan. You may view, download or print it at: Re-Imagine Goshen Center Project Plan Or, you may go directly to the Open Space Committee page and find it in the documents section.
Part of the presentation will feature one proposed design that includes elements for individuals of all ages and abilities, to be presented by Nicholas T. Dines, FASLA, a retired UMass professor of Landscape Architecture. Water and snacks provided. The following COVID protocols will be in effect: Masks and hand sanitizer will be available at the … Continued
Hilltown Land Trust is partnering with the Wild & Scenic Westfield River Committee to offer our annual Vernal Pool Plunge! This two-day, in-person training event is open to anyone interested in learning about the ecology of and becoming advocates for vernal pools in Western Massachusetts, including how to certify vernal pools. Click on the link below … Continued
The completed and State accepted Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) updated for 2021-2028 is available for the public to view, print or download at the link below or by going to the documents section at the bottom of the Open Space Committee page on the Town website. This OSRP update assesses the current status … Continued