Happy New Year!
The 2022 Annual Street Listings have been mailed to each household in Goshen, and you should be receiving yours soon. If you haven’t received one, you can find printable blank copies on the Town Clerk webpage at www.goshen-ma.us/annual-street-listing/ or contact me to receive another: clerk@goshen-ma.us. Please fill out info for everyone who lives in your house, sign and return to: 40 Main St. Goshen, MA 01032. It is important that we keep an accurate count of residents as it determines state and federal funding for our town. Responding to the street listing will also keep you on the active voting list if you are registered to vote.
Additionally, the 2022 dog licenses are in! A dog licensing form was mailed with the street listing. Neutered/ spayed dogs cost $5 each to register; intact dogs are $10. To register your dog(s), you can:
- Stop by during office hours (Monday 9-2:45 & 6-8) and bring cash or check, valid rabies certificate, and spaying/neutering certificate, or
- Mail the dog license form, fee(s) and certificate(s) along with a stamped self-addressed envelope for the return of the license(s) and tag(s) to: Goshen Town Clerk, 40 Main Street, Goshen, MA 01032.
You may also drop the paperwork off in the town clerk drop box, located to the left of the door to the town offices.
Last year’s licenses expire on March 31st, 2022. Additional dog licensing forms can be found here: www.goshen-ma.us/dog-licenses/