Update 10/5/20: The Vote by Mail ballots have arrived! Today I mailed all 269 ballots out to those who have requested them so far. If you requested one, you can expect it in your mailbox any day now.
Once you receive your vote by mail ballot, and have filled it out and sealed it in the signed envelope, you may return your ballot the following ways:
- Send by mail (postage paid)
- Place it in the newly installed ballot drop box at the top of the stairs to the left of the door of the Town Offices, 40 Main St. There are security cameras and Gina and I will be checking and emptying the box daily.
- Bring it into the town hall during the in person early voting hours (Saturday, Oct. 17th 2-4pm, Sunday, Oct. 18th 2-4pm, Monday, Oct. 19th 9-3 and 6-8, Saturday, Oct. 24th 2-4pm, Sunday, Oct. 25th 2-4pm, Monday, Oct. 26th 9-3 and 6-8), drop your ballot in the box, and exit the building.
Vote by Mail applications for the November 3rd General Election are due by 5pm on Wednesday, October 28th, 2020. Voters are now able to apply through the state’s online portal: www.sec.state.ma.us/VoterRegistrationSearch/preface.aspx
If you have already signed and sent back the post card mailed to you in July and perhaps in September, you can check this website to make sure your application has been accepted: www.sec.state.ma.us/wheredoivotema/track/trackmyballot.aspx
A quick reminder of how your early vote by mail or early in person ballot is processed:
- All ballots will be processed and put into the ballot box on election day. That day, the warden takes your ballot around the room as if she were you, voting. She reads your name and address at Check In, and slits open the manila envelope you signed that contains your ballot. She then brings your ballot to the Ballot Box and feeds it in, just as you would if you were there. Your ballot is never opened until it is hand counted with the hundreds of other ballots after polls close. No one will know how you personally voted. The ballots you mail back are safely under lock and key until they are given to the warden on election day.
Please contact Town Clerk Kristen Estelle with any questions or concerns: clerk@goshen-ma.us, 413-268-8236 x107.