Abatements Application for Abatement of Real Estate or Personal Property Application for Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Abatement (short form) Application for Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Abatement (long form) Exemptions Application for Senior Exemption Application for Statutory Exemption for the Blind Application for Veterans Exemption Chapter 61 Application for Chapter 61 – Forestry Application for Chapter … Continued
February 1st: Application for Abatement of Real Estate or Personal Property March 1st: 3ABC Application Forms for Charitable Property owners. Personal Property “Form of List” applications Income and Expense Statements Month of March: Personal exemptions are due 90 days from the mailing of the 3rd quarter actual tax bill. July 1st (Beginning of the Fiscal … Continued
According to the Department of Revenue, the motor vehicle excise is imposed for the privilege of registering a motor vehicle. It is an assessment in lieu of a personal property tax, however it is billed on a calendar year, not a fiscal year like real and personal property. The amount of the motor vehicle excise … Continued
This is the title given to an initiative petition adopted by the voters of Massachusetts in 1980. It restricts the increase in the tax levy to two and a half percent of the prior year’s tax levy, plus new growth, overrides and/or debt exclusions. Proposition 2½: does not apply to individual tax bills.
Physical changes to property such as an addition to the house are applied up to June 30 for the next fiscal year values. The assessed value is an estimate of what the property could have sold for on the date of valuation (January 1) if it had been available for sale, and exposed to the … Continued
An assessment, by law, must be at market value (a.k.a. full and fair cash value) as of January 1 of each year. Every three years the Department of Revenue (D.O.R.) certifies that assessments are at market value by reviewing the sales data within the town. (Between the triennial certification periods assessed values are reviewed and … Continued
Market value is the major focus of most real property appraisals. Usually included in the definition is the price that a typically motivated buyer will give a typically motivated seller, as of a specified date, allowing for a reasonable exposure time in the market. It should be noted that the sale price of a property … Continued
Exemptions Exemptions to Persons – Massachusetts General Laws contain several statutes that provide for individual exemptions from real property tax bills. Personal exemptions are specific to the individual and applied to the owners’ real estate. Exemptions are available for veterans with a war-service connected disability; “legally” blind person; a surviving spouse or minor children of … Continued
ABATEMENTS GRANTED Upon Board of Assessors vote on the abatement application, the “disposition of application” section at the bottom of the abatement application will be completed by Assistant Assessor. This section includes notes on adjustments to value and tax amounts that need to be made on the Town’s records. The Board of Assessors sign off … Continued