The Planning Board for the Town of Goshen will hold two public hearings regarding proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw on August 10, 2023 at the Goshen Town Hall, 42 Main Street, Goshen, MA.
- Beginning at 7 pm, a hearing on a proposal to add a Floodplain section, as required by FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) and as proposed by the Planning Board.
- Beginning at 7:15 pm, a hearing on a proposal to amend the current Excavation section and replace with an Earth Removal section, as proposed by the Planning Board.
All interested persons should attend. Copies of the proposed bylaws are available for review at the office of the Town Clerk and at the links below. They are also available in the documents section at the bottom of the Planning Board page:
Earth Removal Bylaw DRAFT REVISED 2023-08-08 – revisions highlighted in yellow on pages 3 & 4