Message from Goshen EMD – January 4th Winter Storm

Posted on January 4, 2018

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The snow will continue until this evening but the bigger concern will be the expected low temperatures and high winds, which will hit later this evening and continue through tomorrow and later. There is a potential for power outages because of downed trees and branches. These outages may be prolonged because the high winds may delay restoration efforts.

A regional emergency shelter will open Friday at 9 am at the Smith Vocational & Agricultural High School in Northampton. If needed, we will open local warming centers. Any openings will be announced through the town-wide call system.

Currently the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) is not open but I am monitoring the situation from my home office. If the EOC opens, an announcement will be sent out.

Please stay off the roads and be safe. Please report any downed wires by calling 9-1-1.

Thank you.

Larry Holmberg

Goshen Emergency Management Director

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