CodeRED image

What is CodeRED and how is it used by the Town of Goshen?

CodeRED is an automated notification system that allows the Municipality to send out pre-recorded messages over the telephone, or via email, alerting them to certain situations.  CodeRED is primarily utilized to notify citizens of situations that might include evacuation notices, boil water advisories, utility outages, snow emergencies and other situations in which urgent notification is required.  CodeRED has the capability of notifying all Goshen residents who have signed up within an hour.  CodeRed occasionally will be used to inform folks of about Municipal news items of interest but this process is being replaced with notifications by signing up on the Town News & Announcements web page for emails about news items that appear on the town web site.

Why do I need to register?

Register if you wish to receive emergency notifications and the following conditions apply:

  • You want to be notified on your cell phone
  • You have an unlisted phone number
  • You have recently moved and need to update your phone number
  • You use TDD/TTY
  • You want to use your work phone as a back up to your home phone

If you currently receive calls via the CodeRED system, you do not need to sign up again.

Can businesses participate?

Yes.  The Town of Goshen encourages businesses to register to receive emergency notifications.

Can TDD/TYY equipment receive the calls?

Yes.  When you register your number there is an option to enter the TDD/TYY information.

What if I’m not home to receive the emergency notification?

The CodeRED system will leave the emergency notification message on your voicemail or answering machine. If you do not have voicemail or an answering machine, the dialer will attempt your phone number three times.

Will I be charged for receiving a CodeRED alert?

No. This is a service the Town of Goshen is providing to better enhance our communication system with our residents.

Register using the CodeRED Registration Form and follow the instructions on the screen.

To learn more about the CodeRED system go to the CodeRED website informational page.

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