The 2021 Town Caucus was held on Monday, March 15th at 7pm in the town hall. 16 residents participated (easily meeting the reduced quorum of three). The following Goshen voters were nominated and accepted their nominations by signing the Caucus Certificate of Nomination within 72 hours of the Caucus. These names and positions will appear on the ballot at the Annual Town Election, which will be held on Saturday, May 1st, with times TBD.
Almoners (3 years) Kristine Bissell
Assessors (3 years) Gina Papineau
Board of Health (3 years) Tiffany Marcinek
Chesterfield/ Goshen Regional School Committee (3 years)
Barton Gage
Carla Raymond
Finance Committee (3 years) Angela Otis
Finance Committee (2 years) Vacant
Library Trustees (3 years) Rosemarie Clark
Library Trustees (3 years) Vacant
Planning Board (5 years) Vacant
Planning Board (4 years) Vacant
Select Board (3 years) Angela Otis
Tilton Farm Supervisors (1 year) Robert Goss
Tilton Farm Supervisors (1 year) Richard Polwrek
Tilton Farm Supervisors (1 year) Roger Culver
Town Clerk (3 years) Kristen Estelle