2019 dog licenses are available in the Town Clerk’s office. All dogs aged 6 months and older must have a current rabies certificate and license. Licenses are $5 for neutered/spayed dogs and $10 for intact males and females. Residents may register their dogs during town clerk hours: Monday 9am-3pm and 6pm-8pm, or send a check, payable to the Town of Goshen, a stamped self-addressed envelope, a copy of a valid rabies certificate, and the dog’s name, breed, color, age and sex to: Town Clerk, 40 Main St. Goshen, MA 01032.
For convenience, there is a new licensing form available to download and print here. Watch for the date of the annual Rabies Vaccination Clinic as licenses will be available that day as well.
The 2018 licenses will expire on March 31, 2019. Late fees will be applied after June 1st. Anyone who owns four dogs or more must obtain a kennel license. An inspection of the property is required prior to obtaining said license. To schedule an inspection, contact the Animal Control Officer: animalcontrol@goshen-ma.us.
If there are any questions about dog licensing, please contact the Town Clerk: 413-268-8236 x107, clerk@goshen-ma.us.